U.S. List Brokers/Managers

U.S. List Brokers/Managers & Database Compilers

List Access - Fast, Accurate & 24/7

Data Services, Inc. proudly supplies a unique blend of marketing technology as well as database building/maintenance and contact data quality services to Data-Driven Marketers utilizing US B2B & B2C data and metrics.

    Free NCOA Processing
    *Up to 10,000 Records, No CC Required

    Our LEX System Gives You...

    Flexibility, Peace of Mind, Insight, Freedom, Speed & Accuracy.

    LEX is a customizable product with an array of capabilities giving you the ability to carry and select on data that is beyond the simple name and address file as well as track order usage.  LEX, the industry’s most advanced remote data access system. LEX puts the power in your hands – you and your clients (if you wish) have access to counts from anywhere in the world. Plus, our white label option can place your logo on all automated correspondence and generated count and order reports.

    While the system is designed with your autonomy in mind, our trained List Rental staff is always right there to answer any and all of your questions.

    Append US & International Data to your files for enhanced list rental capabilities. Data Services also offers a range of database modeling services to meet your needs!

    24/7 access to all your files housed at Data Services’ secure data center.

    Run a count based on the most complex selects and ship list rental orders right from your desktop without having to involve a service bureau.

    In conjunction with our other services LEX assures accuracy throughout the list rental process.

    Put Data Services to Work for You Today.

    Data Services continues to develop and refine our processes to improve our clients’ data efficiency. Our data engineers constantly add to our quality control process and proprietary data methods in response to customer needs. We are truly a company that listens to our customers. We are on the lookout for trends and participate in multiple International postal groups. Whether you work in London or Hong Kong or anywhere in between, Data Services’ more than 40 years experience will help make your International data processing easier.

    Segmenting your data for Email Broadcasting has never been easier as you can segment a file in LEX and send directly into our email platform for a future broadcast.

    Call us at (410) 546-2206

    Ready to experience the benefits of our Advanced Contact Data Quality Services? Let's work together to elevate the accuracy and effectiveness of your data-driven initiatives. 

    Get a Free Consultation & Free Data Quality Test.

    About Us
    Founded in 1967, Data Services provides U.S. and Canadian Database Management, Data Quality, Data Enhancement and Email Services to Direct & Data-Driven Marketers.
    Contact Us
    318 West Carroll St, Suite A, Floor 2
    Salisbury MD, 21801

    +1(410) 546-2206
